Monday, February 16, 2009


"why should I feel discouraged? And why should the shadows fall? Why should my heart feel lonely and long for Heaven and home? When Jesus is my comfort. A constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches over me."

Lately I have been so discouraged by my job. I feel like no matter what I do someone is going to dislike it. If I change the way I do something to please one person, two more jump on my back. I thought that by working in a Christian environment I would at least have the spiritual encouragement. However, I sometimes feel that working in a Christian school makes some parents feel they have more of a right to tell me how to run my class!
What happened to "Let no one look down on you because you are young." ? Just because I am only 24 and in my first year of teaching doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing. Last time I checked a California Teaching Credential was good for something. I can't change my age or the fact that this is my first year so why should parents use that as an excuse to jump all over me?
I guess if I can get through this year, I will be able to make it through almost anything. I just wish the parents would cut me some slack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I be an encourager? It's Hal here. You are back on my "front screen" prayer list. By the way, this is my first ever internet posting of any kind. For right now, may I please be "anonymous"? That's probably because I'm chicken that I might "hear from people".

It's amazing how "transitions" affect our lives. And, it's amazing how "Christians" actually live their lives.

God created you and me with emotions and He helps us live in those emotions. If I'm hearing you correctly, it sounds like you are living with sadness and disappointment. There is something about our childhood home, expecially one that contains a loving family, that provides us our security. To see that home closed up and empty of the love you found there would naturally bring sadness (maybe a little fear too). There is something about working; with, for, under, around (anything else a rabbit can do to a hill)"Christians" that exposes them and us for what we are really like. To experience that directly, especially the first time, naturally brings disappointment.

I will be praying for you.

2 tomes I have found helpful in addressing these things in a Biblical way are: "Recovering From The Losses In Life" by Norm Wright/Talbot and "Dealing With Spiritual Depression" by Martin Lloyd Jones.

You know how to reach me.
May God richly bless you and keep you.