Friday, October 19, 2007

Planning on getting a substitute?

Teachers take heed...

-Leave a lesson plan written out for your sub. If we come in and you tell us the day's plans in the 2 minutes before we leave, chances are we WON'T remember it all and it will stress us out. We have enough stress coming into an unfamiliar class as it is!

- Leave instructions for how the discipline/positive reinforcement works. If we don't know how to get them motivated to work, chances are the day is going to be hectic because they already think they can get away with stuff when a sub is there.

-Is thee a penalty for going to the restroom/getting drink during class? LET US KNOW! You don't REALLY expect kids to be honest when there is no one to hold them accountable, do you? I know it's sad... but it's the truth.

-If the sub has a duty at the beginning or end of class, tell them what to do. It might sound silly but since we've never been teachers we have NO IDEA what bus duty or pick up duty means.

-Have paper in your class for the sub to write a note on at the end of the day that is bigger than a post-it. It takes a LOT of those things to tell you about the day.

-Put suggested time frames on your lesson plan for each subject. It helps us pace so things get done. Don't just assume we know how to cram all the stuff in before lunch. Which reminds me... don't forget to tell us when lunch is!

- name tags and/or a seating chart is helpful

-Organized clutter (emphasis on the organized)

doing these things will make the sub less stressed out about being in your room, helps the students respect him or her, and makes the day run smoother. Subbing is not an ideal job for most. Sure it's a one-day thing with no committment after the bell rings, but it also leads to stress and frustration when the kids are unfamiliar, the supplies are nowhere to be found, and the discipline is lacking. We are helping you out by being there... a little help from you would be nice

1 comment:

Becks said...

From one teacher to another, just wanted to let you know I did all of the above last week when I had a sub for the first time :)