As I prepare myself to go to the other side of the world in a few days, I can't help but feel a mixture of emotions. I am excited to be going there and working with the college students. I'm excited to see the students' and how they live out their faith in the midst of persecution. I am also nervous at the thought of having to teach college students about the Bible. I'm scared of the differences that the culture will bring and of offending those with whom I work. I am grateful that I have this opportunity and humbled that I was chosen to go. I am hopefull that God will work through the team as we are there.
I didn't realize how much preparation there would be for this trip going into it. Not only is there work to be prepared in order to teach classes and give homework, but mental preparation for a new culture. The worst thing anyone could do in going to another country is expect them to give you all the American comforts you have at home. The saying "when in Rome do as the Romans do." applies to other countries as well. Do your best to take on their cultural ideas. Observe how they interact, what is expected, how they dress, etc. You are THEIR guest, jump into the culture. You never know, you may like what you find :)
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